Category: Video/Vlogging

Fiancee rides my motorcycle. o.O!

04/03/07 | by Mikey | Categories: Motorcycle, Misc, Video/Vlogging
Click on the title to see the 8 minute video in the dusk/night-time of my fiancee riding around in a high school parking lot. She did a really great job of cruising around in the parking lot and she was mostly in first and second gear. more »

Oil change: 10,610mi

03/06/07 | by Mikey | Categories: Motorcycle, Maintainence, Video/Vlogging
Oil Changed. Videos: Oil change part one and oil change part 2 more »

Where to find my videos

02/28/07 | by Mikey | Categories: Motorcycle, Video/Vlogging
This is where you can find my videos. more »

New Material!

02/26/07 | by Mikey | Categories: Motorcycle, Video/Vlogging
I will now be running around on my bike with a 2gb sandisk memory card which will hold 80 minutes worth of video. Now now, what does video have to do with motorcycles? I mean, it's not like I can strap a camcorder on my head and be like, "HEY WHATS UP… more »
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