I love kids. "IT'S A MOTORCYCLE!!!"

02/13/07 | by Mikey | Categories: Motorcycle, Commuting

MikeyThere are special moments while on my motorcycle that you just can't get in a car. Cruising out of my neighborhood on my way to work today, I suddenly hear, "IT'S A MOTORCYCLE!!!!!!". I look over, and sure enough there's about 3-4 kids in a yard and they are all eyes glued to me. So I wave to em all and make my bike go vrooooooom for them. Kids are just too much fun. :)


Augusta State University tickets my motorcycle, again.

02/13/07 | by Mikey | Categories: Motorcycle, Commuting

MikeyAs we all may know, yours truly is a college student. The local uni here has motorcycle only spots on campus that is reserved for bikers. This is a good thing as generally speaking, most of the spots are pretty close to where I have class. Now, last semester I had walked out to find a ticket. This was back in September and you can read about that HERE . Now, if you are still reading this after not having read that previous link, go back and read it. I'm serious! So, if you have really read it, then we'll continue.

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9,956 mi. Air Filter & chain lube.

02/13/07 | by Mikey | Categories: Motorcycle, Maintainence

Mikey9,956 mi. Air filter replaced with a nice clean one. Also lubed up my chain with chain wax. Tire pressure is good to go as well. Bike is still running good. I think I'm noticing slightly better performance, but then again it might just be in my head. :P


Helmet Lock, Whee!!

01/17/07 | by Mikey | Categories: Motorcycle, Maintainence

MikeyI finally have a helmet lock on my bike again. Now I can lock my helmet to my bike instead of walking around everywhere with it. YAY!!!!


Chain tightened & lubricated. 9,250mi

01/11/07 | by Mikey | Categories: Motorcycle, Maintainence

MikeyChain Tightened & Lubricated. 9,250mi. Also purchased a new helmet lock since mine had fell off on the road somewhere a few months ago. heh.


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