Locked Down.

04/27/06 | by Mikey | Categories: My Life

MikeyI have recently made a change to the way my blog and photos are displayed to the public.

They aren't.

So, if you haven't already, please register and keep that information as you'll need to login to view the blog entries that myself or Sarah composes as well as any pictures in my photo album.

When you first register you still will not be able to view the blogs or photos until you are manually approved by myself to view my material.




Comment from: Ashley

>_> What…? You locked it down. Now I kinda HAVE to register and stuff.

05/02/06 @ 00:46
Comment from: Jeff S.
Jeff S.

Yo Mikey!!!! Let me in damnit.

05/04/06 @ 00:09
Comment from: meddac1  

I can’t get in….

05/04/06 @ 19:48
Comment from: melissa

hey what’s up?

05/22/06 @ 11:02
Comment from: Cindy Kenward  
Cindy Kenward

How do I register?

08/28/07 @ 23:08
Ward Sankovich

I found your web page from bing and it is superb. Thankx for providing such an informative post!!!! We’ve all had problems with trying to track down books.

10/12/10 @ 15:57
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