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People trying to prove something....?

12/07/06 | by Mikey | Categories: Motorcycle, Commuting

MikeyI don't know whats up with people who think they need to prove something whenever they see some dude on a motorcycle....

Let's talk about this. Even on a slower bike like mine, I'm going to be able to beat or at least keep up with pretty much any vehicle on the road that I'm going to encounter. If I was on something faster, then the only thing that would blow my doors off, would be an F1 car. Yes, I finally found out something on four wheels that beats a motorcycle and it's a freaking F1 indy car. There's a video on youtube about it.

So anyway, now that I've discussed motorcycles vs cars on the road, there seems to be a number of people that want to play the acceleration game with me. These people need to grow up already or get on a motorcycle and enjoy the real speed instead of being cooped up in their cars, wishing they were on a NASCAR track.

Simply put, my bike is faster than your car.
Sorry to make you cry when I accelerated past you, well, not really.




Your story reminds me a bit of the botmaker strip linked to above

12/09/06 @ 16:47

re-submitting with corrected link

12/09/06 @ 16:48
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