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Slipping Clutch

04/24/08 | by Mikey | Categories: Motorcycle, Maintainence

MikeyOn Sunday, April 6th, I took my motorcycle to my mechanic to fix my slipping clutch that I have been struggling with for a few weeks now. The wife deemed it unsafe so I can't argue against that. It is the 24th now and I am still waiting for my bike to be fixed. He had to order a part and a special tool in order to swap out some of my clutch parts. I am having withdraw symptoms. I dislike driving around in my truck. Don't get me wrong, I have a nice truck. It's just motorcycles are cooler. I'm up to almost 19,000 miles on this update.


1 comment

Comment from: Bill

Hey Mike! Really enjoy your Rebel videos. I was wondering, couldn’t you just buy the service manual for your Rebel and fix it yourself? I mean the Rebel is a pretty simple bike to work on. Sometimes you’re better off ordering the parts through BikeBandit.com and doing the job yourself. This way you’re back on your bike in a hurry.

Thanks for all the Rebel info!

New York

05/12/08 @ 12:31
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