« Motorcycle Cops Do Wave, Woo Hoo!Visiting Sarah @ Work »


08/07/06 | by Mikey | Categories: Motorcycle, Misc

MikeyI hit 1,000 miles today since I've owned the bike. Some more of my internet orders have been arriving.

My Frogg Togg suit came in. It's rain gear. It's made to let air get through but not water molecules. I wore it today while it was lightly raining. It needs to come down like cats and dogs so I can really test it out. Anywho, everything was dry on me except my chin but that's only because it's slightly exposed (at the bottom of the helmet). Here are two pictures of me w/ the suit on. Yeah, it looks dorky but I could care less.

Rain Gear Suit Picture 1

Rain Gear Suit Picture 2

Surprisingly, I haven't ran into as many idiots as I was during my first week of riding around. I ran into a another sport bike rider on my way home one day and we ended up talking for a few moments before he went home. It was rather neato. I need to make a portion of my site for motorcyclists in the CSRA and see if I can't get some riding buddies.

I've done some changes to my website lately. I'm using a new webhost to host my material. Same price, hopefully better reliability. I was getting tired of slow speeds and the site going down from time to time. So far this new one seems to be a little quicker to respond to page requests so I hope everyone is happier w/ my site. I changed around the main part of my site, updated my blog software and redesigned my skin. I like this gray/black/orange look.

School starts on the 21st, I'm excited and looking forward to it but there's a part of me that acknowledges that I'm going to be doing a lot schoolwork in the future. I went school shopping today to save money on tax free weekend. Picked up some highlighters, mechanical #2 pencils, those little sticky note tab things, two binders, and about 600 sheets of college ruled paper. All I'm missing now is a water-proof backpack just in case I get caught in the rain one day on my bike. eBay for that! lol.

Hope you enjoyed my update, remember, comments rock! Leave them!


1 comment

Comment from: sevarai  

Nice suit! =)

08/08/06 @ 18:59
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