« *Shivers*One of those tard moments, like locking your keys in the car.... »

Almost hit, yet again.

10/02/06 | by Mikey | Categories: Motorcycle, Commuting

MikeyIt's night time, I'm cruising along on my way home from the fiancee's and I come up to the Washington Rd/Old Evans Rd intersection.

I chill out for a while, I'm first up in the slow lane. Finally the light turns green and I start my acceleration. Some car on Washington Rd was making that right onto Bobby Jones and I was thinking, "He's going way to fast to yield...." and I was right, that joker came flying right into my lane. Luckily, due to my accelerating quicker than cars I had room to dodge into the left lane and the whole time I was doing it, I was on my horn.



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