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New Rear Tire @ 10,400 mi. Chain Lube @ 10,502mi

02/28/07 | by Mikey | Categories: Motorcycle, Maintainence

MikeyGot my new tire on my rear wheel. It's a pirelli tire. They didn't have any dunlops but after reading reviews on this tire, it's actually supposed to be pretty awesome. So that's okay. Scrubbed the tire in that evening with a trip to Wrens. Also did chain lube tonight when I got off of work so I'm all set. Will be changing my oil here in the near future.



Comment from: tyrone  

Pirelle does not make bad tires. It’s like against their code or something.

03/09/07 @ 15:04
Comment from: tyrone  

Forgive my spelling. PIRELLI has an I not an E

03/09/07 @ 15:06
Comment from: Joey

Yay oil changes…

05/23/08 @ 02:09
Comment from: Don

I don’t know about against their code, but when you pay what they charge, you sure don’t expect crap!

06/11/08 @ 23:56
Comment from: Bill

pirelli makes the tires for alot of formula one and ama super bike racing… you got one of the best tires on the market

03/31/09 @ 20:48
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