« UpdateMy day off »

Visiting Sarah @ Work

07/28/06 | by Mikey | Categories: Motorcycle, Commuting

MikeySo I'm off today, there's really nothing to do around the house except maybe watch Scrubs but I'm not in the mood to just sit around.....afterall, there's a bike in my garage just waiting to be taken out.

So I think to myself, "Self, Sarah is at work right now perhaps we could ride up to the National Hills area and visit her and check out the greenhouses." I decide that sounds like a wonderful ride.

So I gear up and ride on out. They've been doing construction in my city working on the roads and such so I got caught up in that. The construction guy with the Slow/Stop sign gave me a nod of the head which I returned. The construction on the interstate is particularly fun because of how they have us going into alternate lanes which twist around and such. I <3 twisties.

I get to Washington Rd and man do I ever hate sitting at an intersection for minutes at a time. No air flow, nothing to cool me down. I'm just sitting here in a full face helmet, black leather jacket, and gloves being all roasty toasty. I'm sweating.

I wrote down directions for the way there but I see that my memory is going to have to improve since I didn't feel like pulling out the directions I had slipped up the cuff of my gloves. I luckily remembered the way though and twisted and turned til I got to the greenhouse area.

The entrance is totally decked out in gravel. Ewwww. So I parked my bike on the opposite side of the street and as I was taking off my gloves/helmet some dude in his yard yells at me, "HEY! Can I ride your bike around the block once or twice!?" My response? NO!. LOL.

After that comment, I double checked to make sure I had locked the forks, locked my helmet, and I took off my jacket and walked in there. Oh, and today was the first day I rode around w/ my new military issue, jungle boots. They fit me okay and luckily I can still feel the shifter when I'm shifting gears so that was my main concern.

So I stroll over to Sarah's car which is parked in the shade, leave my jacket on her trunk and then go up to the establishment. Apparently some of her coworkers were wondering why I had gone by the parked cars instead of coming in immediately and they also had no idea where I had come from. Hah! I am a ninja!

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