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Visiting Sarah @ Work

07/28/06 | by Mikey | Categories: Motorcycle, Commuting

Then I'm exiting the freeway and I'm up in line to go next on the main road. I'm counting cars and memorizing since this is a nasty intersection and you can't really see cars on the bridge. So I'm waiting for a car that I lost track of to pop up. It turns out he must have merged cause I gave him the few extra seconds to have him appear where I could see him and then all of a sudden before I pull out, about 2 cages behind me feel the need to lay on their horns to tell me to hurry it up. Must fight urge to flick people off. Instead, I just went from 0-64 mph in a matter of seconds and blew off the bleached blonde in the SUV behind me.

About 20 seconds later she's caught up to me cause I'm back down to doing 55 due to traffic in front of me. I see brake lights about 5 seconds ahead and this is where the construction people are, (you can't see them yet cause we're cresting a hill) so I hit the brakes cause I know whats coming up, a long line of parked cars. Bimbo blonde probably had a heart attack in her SUV as she nearly stopped in time. Traffic was stopped just over the crest of the hill.

Sitting at the construction area for like 5 minutes and not moving was literally causing me to bake. Give me some marshmellows and I could have emerged as a baked rice krispie treat! Geez!

This is one of those construction things where you end up moving in the opposite traffic lane. So we're almost done and going to merge back in our lane and stupid! stupid! bimbo chick merges over before the 2 guys in front of me merges over and she ACCELERATES! WHAT THE CRAP! I flip my blinker on and get over before she can cut off my merging spot. Stupid idiot.

I'm two streets over from getting my butt off the road and inside the house where there is AIR CONDITIONING. OMGZ!! I'm coming around a blind curve only to spot four punk teenagers occupying my whole side of the road. I slow down and ride behind them. They see me back there but do nothing to get off the road. Sigh. What happened to common sense? GET THE FRICK OFF THE ROAD YOU IDIOTS!!! I wish I could cast an illusion on my motorcycle. "Illusion Semi!" People won't see some a motorcycle coming down the street or try to clip me on the freeway, they'll see a huge semi cruising around. Come mess with me now punks! Maybe next time I see those pack of kids wondering around I'll just ride by and take my boot and plant my size 10 against their backs or something. (I can only dream)

I make it home without any further stupidity and fill up my water bottle and stuff it in the freezer. I have 3 other frozen gatorade bottles in the freezer. Mhmmm. Water and Air Conditioning.

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