« It's raining, it's pouring..and this young man is riding!


07/24/06 | by Mikey | Categories: Motorcycle, Commuting

MikeyAw Jeah! Vrroooom! I am now the proud owner of a 2001 Honda Rebel. It's a motorcycle.

So, it's been about 6-7 years since I've been riding around. I'm surprised most of my memory has been retained as far as shifting and getting around. I took the bike down to the high school I graduated from and rode around in the parking lot for about 2 hours. Emergency braking, figure 8s, low speed and high speed turning, shifting, and counter-balancing. It was a blast. On the way down there I saw another dude on his bike so we did the biker wave. It feels so good to do that again. It just wouldn't feel right doing it from in my truck. lol.

After that little ride I went back to my house and grabbed my documentation to take it down to the DMV. I was almost to Washington Rd and then I realized that it was Sunday and that the DMV would be closed. Yeah... slight change in plans. Sarah lives down here so might as well drop in on her. It's almost 2pm in the afternoon, she's probably awake by now. Wrong. I get to her house and have to locate and tap on her bedroom window to get her to wake up and let me in the house. lol.

She took some pics of me when we were riding back to my house. Some of those turned out really well.

After she left tonight around 9pm or so. I hopped on the bike again and went cruising around. I wore dad's reflector vest for the first time. Surprisingly it doesn't get in your way at all and you forget you are even wearing it. Then again, all I really feel is my leather jacket. :-p.

I was on the returning portion of my trip when I saw a deer standing on the side of the road. Yeah, I locked it up. LOL. Came to a halt about 10 yards away from the deer. The last thing I need is to give a deer a lift. Once you are stopped the danger aspect just dissipates and you are left sitting in awe of staring straight into the deer's eyes before they flee.

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