Almost hit, yet again.

10/02/06 | by Mikey | Categories: Motorcycle, Commuting

MikeyIt's night time, I'm cruising along on my way home from the fiancee's and I come up to the Washington Rd/Old Evans Rd intersection.

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One of those tard moments, like locking your keys in the car....

09/20/06 | by Mikey | Categories: Motorcycle, Misc

MikeyWhile I am safe from the title of this blog post, I am not safe from my own self when it comes to observing the keys that are in my bike. So I was running around with my lawn mower and such as it's been on the fritz and anywho....

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A Campus Parking Citation? What?!

09/19/06 | by Mikey | Categories: Motorcycle, Commuting

MikeySo there I was on friday. Coming out of class and walking up to my bike with Sarah in tow. What is this piece of paper attached to my seat? Was it a note from Sarah? Nope. It was a parking citation! Failure to display current decal (even though it's on my forks) and not having any tags on my bike. $25.00 fine and they wanted to talk to me in the Public Safety office. Oh Joy!

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An unexpected passenger

09/19/06 | by Mikey | Categories: Motorcycle, Commuting

MikeyI normally warm up my bike with the choke on outside in the mornings and go back in and gear up as it takes a few moments. Well, as I was leaving my street I glanced down at the base of my windshield and what I saw made me laugh.

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What is that sound?! OH MY! It's coming from the motorcycle that I almost ran into!

09/19/06 | by Mikey | Categories: Motorcycle, Commuting

MikeyI'd like to start this out by stating that as a cager I rarely use my horn. I believe I've used my horn less than 5 times in 7 years of driving. Now, in less than 2 months, I have used my motorcycle horn TWICE.

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